Latest MobileSTAT from Jumptap shows boost in mobile call-to-action marketing

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How to Mobile Marketing Info

Jumptap’s experts on mobile ads have revealed the results of its most recent MobileSTAT report (which stands for Simple Targeting & Audience Trends), that shows that there is a change toward call-to action techniques in the latest mobile ads. 

The data was collected throughout May 2011, and it showed that it is common for mobile ads to be designed in order to create a call to action.  The actual number of action-focused campaigns was 34 percent.  The types of performance they encouraged included downloading or initiating a call, instead of suggesting that a recipient visit a website. 

In order to make its observations, the report looked at more than 11 billion ad requests that were received by the Jumptap network, which were made by more than 83 million mobile device users. 

Additionally, it showed that midday is the highest time for mobile ad engagement, instead of the late evening or early morning time slots that were expected to be the most popular.  On the other hand, the first few hours of the day, from the early morning right into the workday before lunch are the lowest time for click-through rates. 

Jumptap’s chief marketing officer, Paran Johar, explained that similar to web based ads for desktop and laptop users, mobile ads are highly measurable.  This makes it possible for marketers to follow the success of their ads very closely, providing the recipients with many different options with which to respond to ads, such as clicking to map, cal, SMS, or download.

 Johar went on to explain that the latest report highlights the rise in the number of campaigns that are focused on consumer action instead of just sending them to a mobile website.  According to Johar, this is “redefining consumer engagement.”

How To Mobile Marketing

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