Kimberly-Clark launches new QR code campaign to keep patients safe while in the hospital

QR Code Patient Safety Education Program

QR Codes in Healthcare

Kimberly-Clark, a U.S. corporation that primarily produces paper products but has ventures in the health care industry, has announced the launching of a new QR code campaign called the QR Code Patient Safety Education Program. The company is working with the Safe Care Campaign, an organization that works to eliminate hospital acquired infections. Together, the two organizations aim to help patients educate themselves while staying at hospitals or other health care facilities. They believe that QR codes are the best way to accomplish this aim because of the widespread ownership of smart phones and other mobile devices.

QR Code Patient Safety Education ProgramThe campaign will work to bring QR codes linked to educational information to patients throughout the U.S. Participating hospitals will give these codes to patients and, when scanned, patients will be able to find tips on how to avoid potential dangers that could complicate their stay at the hospital. The campaign will initially focus on infection prevention, as it is a serious issue in the health care industry. Patients acquiring infections at hospitals are at risk of other serious health problems that could cost them their lives.

The codes will be branded on posters that will be located throughout hospitals and in hospital rooms. Kimberly-Clark believes that the codes are another tool to help keep people safe and healthy. As such, the company will work to bring these QR coded posters to every hospital and medical care facility in the U.S.

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