Interactive coloring books use QR codes to make the world more accessible

QR Code Coloring Book

QR Code Coloring Book
An artist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, has discovered a new way to use QR codes. The artist, Richard Bohm, has developed a series of coloring books designed for children. Normally, coloring books in and of themselves are not exactly noteworthy, but Bohm’s books can take kids to other parts of the world. The books, titled “QR Codes Gone Wild,” are affixed with QR codes that are linked to cities outside the U.S. Bohm believes that the books provide a truly interactive experience for people of all ages, but especially to kids that want to experience more of the world.

When scanned, the codes resolve to a mobile website containing pictures of foreign cities and some information regarding the nation they are in. While certain aspects of the coloring books are designed with kids in mind, Bohm wants people of all ages to enjoy the activity. He believes that adding QR codes to the books will not only increase their value, but will also attract older, more tech-savvy people to pick them up.

There is a barrier, however, that has hampered the adoption of Bohm’s books. That is that many people still do not know what QR codes are, and even more people do not have smart phones. This is a problem that has plagued those that have made use of the codes for years, and it is a problem whose solution is beyond anything an individual can do.

One Thought to “Interactive coloring books use QR codes to make the world more accessible”

  1. Cheryl

    Since I am legally blind-I am working on creating/generating QR codes to put into my children’s books to make them more accessible for blind, visually impaired, dyslexic, early readers etc.

    There is a multitude of information out here on the web about generating QR code. There are many amps and businesses offering to do so free and for a charge.

    I’m interested to know how you generate your QR CODES.

    I’d like an easy accessible Q our code and simple steps to get to the link. Especially since we are working with children.

    Thank you. CHERYL

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