A man took off with Mike Geller’s wearable technology and live streamed the rest of his day.
One of the Explorers of Google Glass, Mike Geller was recording his day as a tourist in New York City through the use of the device, when a stranger asked him if he could try on the wearable technology.
Immediately, the thief took off with the augmented reality glasses, unaware that he was streaming the full day.
While Geller’s Google Glass device recorded the thief’s movements throughout his entire day through the LiveLens app, the video doesn’t show that the device was ever actually recovered by its owner. It does show that the thief purchased a six pack of beer before heading to a rave that evening. Geller posted an edited version of the video on YouTube, including the moment at which the device was actually stolen by the thief, which occurred about two minutes in.
The authenticity of this Google Glass video has been called into question, but it hasn’t stopped it from going viral.
The NYPD has been contacted about the veracity of the recording, particularly as the device needs to be paired with a smartphone in order to function, but as of the writing of this article, no response had been officially made.
People have found it odd that there didn’t appear to be any shouting or other attempt on the part of Geller to try to stop the thief or draw attention to the situation so that someone else could help him. It could be that the mic didn’t pick it up or this could simply be a sly way for the app to advertise. Other doubts have arisen because the device is supposed to have only 45 minutes of battery life, but it appeared to continue recording throughout enough time for the thief to travel through a subway, purchase beer at a convenience store, drink some of it, and then attend a rave – this, after Geller, himself, had used the device to record several videos such as riding a roller coaster, looking off the top of the Empire State Building, and visiting the Statue of Liberty.
Either way, the popularity of the video has shown that people are clearly interested in the type of recording that can be made through the use of these Google Glass. Strangers are fascinated by the wearable tech, and a recording claiming that the device has been stolen is enough to make technology news headlines and to cause people to want to watch.