The popularity of QR codes is spreading quickly. Since arriving in the U.S. some time in 2008, the codes had only seen extensive use in their place of origin: Japan. In 2010, spurred by the spread of smart phone and Internet-ready mobile devices, the codes began spreading like wildfire. Marketers are now using the codes wherever they can find a good place for them. Now the fire of hype has spread to the UK, where QR code use is on the rise.
A new study released by Kantar Media, a market and technology research firm based in the UK, shows that QR codes are gaining traction in Europe. The firm surveyed several hundred UK residents to gain an insight on opinions regarding the blocky barcodes.
Of those surveyed, 40% of people were familiar with the codes, having interacted with them at some point in the past. Code use is most avid amongst the younger generation, specifically those between the ages of 18 and 24. The majority of those surveyed were “open-minded” about the codes, with 37% considering them to be beneficial in some way.
QR codes are relatively new to the UK, but Richard Metcalf, business development director for Joule, a mobile marketing solutions firm, believes that the codes play a significant role in how companies communicate with consumers. He says that as QR codes gain attention, more people will become comfortable in using them.