ERMedStat adopts QR codes as a way to better serve people in emergency situations

ERMedStat QR Code

ERMedStat QR Code

QR codes have become very popular. This popularity has helped them spread to a variety of industries that are using the codes for purposes beyond marketing. In the world of medicine, the codes are generating a great deal of attention for their ability to distribute information quickly. Their appeal to medical personnel is amplified by the availability of smart phones and other mobile devices capable of scanning the codes. ERMedStat, an emergency health care service based in Tennessee, has just begun using QR codes as a way to better serve the community.

The company is using the codes to give its first responders quick access to a patient’s medical information. First responders are encouraged to download a barcode scanning application to their smart phone so they can make use of the codes. The QR codes are found on cards issued to the service’s subscribers. When scanned with a smart phone, the code directs users to a mobile website where they will be able to find basic medical information and the history of the code’s owner.

ERMedStat believes that the codes will help save people’s lives. The codes will provide first responders with a foundation upon which to care for people in emergencies. This is a growing trend in the medical community and some hospitals have even begun using the codes to help patients find their way around health care facilities. This trend is expected to continue as it provides health care professionals and organizations an easy way to engage people and is inexpensive.

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