Technology Has Changed the Way We Live In Our Homes

Humanity has enjoyed tremendous benefits from the development of technology. We can become more productive and have more time to spend at home with family because of the revolution in technology. Through technology, we can now be more efficient in our jobs and may even do many tasks remotely.  Technology has become an integral part of society today, providing accessible communication, enabling us to be connected anytime, anywhere, and with much less effort than before. I feel like the modern advancements of our living environment are not possible without modern…

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WPTV announces the launch of its news QR codes

News QR codes - QR code scan

The resurgence of the quick response code during the pandemic inspired this mobile marketing use. WPTV out of West Palm Beach, Florida has rolled out news QR codes to help its viewers to more conveniently access the content they want to see. These barcodes have become more popular than ever before as they are affordable and contact-free. The news QR codes will be displayed on occasion so that WPTV viewers will be able to see them on the screen. The purpose of the barcodes is to make it easier for…

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