The Importance of Prototyping in Product Design

prototyping for product design

Any technology company that wants to prevent design obstacles or problems during its lifetime must build a prototype. It is a preliminary model of your product, which has been created to test a concept and its functions. It is common for many companies to develop more than one prototype during a design’s lifecycle, with each product pushing a business one step closer towards a final design. If you’re unsure whether it is the right option for your business, learn more about the importance of prototyping in product design. Design Revision…

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New IKEA mobile shopping experience to be introduced to customers

IKEA Mobile Shopping - IKEA Store

IKEA’s app to offer a new shopping experience online and on mobile. Until now, IKEA mobile shopping hasn’t be a part of the Swedish retailer’s app experience. The focus of its initial application has been on enhancing the retail experience while still requiring consumers to shop in store. The new app combines the store experience with the online experience. The new IKEA mobile shopping app has been designed to allow users to visualize how the store’s product would look in their homes and can then buy these product through the…

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