Setting Out a Case for Facial ID Recognition

Facial recognition

On this site and others, there has been plenty of reminders that both consumers and businesses have not wholly embraced the idea of facial ID recognition and other biometric solutions for identification purposes. It’s, understandably, a hot-button topic, one that has perhaps divided those on the idea of personal freedoms. Indeed, freedom in the sense of what governments and organisations should rightfully know about us is one of the great, almost philosophical, questions of the digital age. Part of the problem, however, is about how the question is framed. Ask…

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American students design QR code merchandise for upcoming midterm elections

QR Code Merchandise - March For Our Lives Campaign - United We Stand Apparel

T-shirts and hoodies feature a unique American flag containing a QR code for online voter registration. The QR code merchandise designed specifically for the upcoming November 2018 midterm elections is a project from March For Our Lives. This is a student-led protest group created by a group of students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida. The QR codes will lead directly to online voter registration when scanned. The QR code merchandise enables smartphone users to easily scan the design and register to vote in the upcoming elections. The…

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