How to Make Your Ecommerce Store Voice-Search Friendly

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No marketing channel offers more potential to e-commerce marketers than organic search. But winning organic rankings doesn’t come easy. A constant effort must be made to stay abreast of the latest trends. These days, that trend is voice search. This is nothing new, but current levels of accuracy and usage are very much so. As consumers increasingly use their smartphones to search hands-free and the likes of virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri enter more homes, voice search is set to explode. With this in mind, here’s how…

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Giant Eagle Mobile Shopping Improves Checkout Convenience for Shoppers

Giant Eagle Mobile Shopping - Giant Eagle Store in Pennsylvania

Scan Pay & Go Service is launched by Giant Eagle Inc. A new Giant Eagle mobile shopping experience has been launched by the Pittsburgh-based supermarket chain. Now, mobile consumers, who like to use their phones for shopping can enjoy faster and more convenient checkouts at the store with Scan Pay & Go. Customers can scan groceries as they shop. The Giant Eagle mobile shopping system gives customers of the supermarket the ability to scan groceries as they shop. Groceries can be scanned with their smartphone using the Giant Eagle Scan…

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