Bookings through mobile apps and sites driving growth in online travel sector

M-commerce growth

Mobile Marketing for Travel Industry

According to data from the travel industry, mobile apps and websites are seeing a boon in bookings…

Last year, it was already discovered by certain discount booking websites that breaking away from offering these services solely through means available to laptops and desktops, and opening the doors to bookings through mobile apps and sites gives consumers a great deal more flexibility so that they can make arrangements as soon as they think of them.

Furthermore, by using these services, it is helping to build confidence in mobile commerce practices overall, so that they will broaden their activities using their smartphones and tablets to include more travel research and itinerary building, as well as reservations.

Previous eMarketer forecasts that have suggested that mobility has become a primary driving force behind the growth of the online travel sector, which had otherwise been reaching quite a solid maturity level.

High numbers predicted in mobile commerce travel industry…

That same research organization stated that last year, 12.1 million Americans made their travel reservations using their smartphones. This number is expected to spike upward in 2012, reaching 16 million, and then will continue to rise next year to reach 20.2 million, until 2016 will finally come to the point that 36.7 million smartphone owners will have used their devices to make a travel booking.

What is also being observed is the equally important role being played by platforms and mobile apps throughout the process for more lengthy research and purchasing – as opposed to last moment decisions. Travel research is already being performed over smartphones and tablets by 37.8 million people. However, those investigations do not necessarily lead to purchases over the same devices.

By 2016, it is predicted that 74.3 million people will be using tablets and smartphones to gain further travel information, regardless of whether or not they make a purchase at that time.

The travel sector is finding growth using mobile apps and over the web from smartphones and tablets to be very important, as it was otherwise showing indications of reaching an online plateau. This category is now gaining a second wind with the increasing use of these various popular devices.

Article: Bookings through mobile apps and sites driving growth in online travel sector
Article Source: Mobile Commerce Press
Author: Stephanie Beck

Bookings through mobile apps and sites driving growth in online travel sector


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