Indestructible Earth’s Black Box to gather a record of climate data for humanity

Black Box - Climate Change

The massive structure is meant to be able to outlive humankind in the hopes that it won’t have to.

Earth’s Black Box is being built in the Australian state of Tasmania to gather a record of open-source climate data stored in an indestructible structure the size of a bus.

The recorders within the structure will store any new climate publications, headlines or even tweets.

Every time new climate research is published, Earth’s Black Box will record it. It will also take in all news headlines, tweets and other content on the subject. It will be a massive bus-size steel structure built on top of a granite plain in Tasmania. Its walls will be thick, and it will store batteries charged by solar panels. The goal is to make it indestructible to the climate crisis to the point that it could outlive humans if need be.

Black box to hold world accountable for climate crisis is being built - The Independent YouTube

That said, the creators hope that the technology will not outlive humanity but will instead inform us and encourage us. It can be used by people in the midst of the climate crisis as well as by future civilizations that will be able to see exactly how humans caused the climate crisis and how we failed or succeeded to manage it.

Earth’s Black Box will act as a permanent record of precisely what we do in the face of climate change.

“The box will act as an indestructible and independent ledger of the ‘health’ of our planet,” explained artistic collective Glue Society artist and director Jonathan Kneebone. Glue Society is involved in this permanent climate record project, according to a CNN report. “And we hope it will hold leaders to account and inspire action and reaction in the broader population.”

The structure won’t be completed until 2022, but the hard drives to be stored within it have already started recording findings based on an algorithm’s selections and based on conversations taking place since early November’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

“Earth’s Black Box will record every step we take toward this catastrophe, “said a statement from the project. Among the participants behind it include University of Tasmania researchers, and Clemenger BBDO, a marketing communications company. “Hundreds of data sets, measurements and interactions relating to the health of our planet will be continuously collected and safely stored for future generations.”

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