Augmented reality printed book jacket enhances in-store marketing

augmented reality book cover

augmented reality book coverCrimson Publishing has added its name to the growing number of publishers using AR technology.

Crimson Publishing has just announced the release of a new business book that includes an augmented reality feature on its cover that can be viewed through the Aurasma app in order to help draw the attention of consumers considering its purchase.

There have been a number of print publications that have started using AR to boost their appeal.

The book in question is called “Working the Cloud” and is written by Kate Russell, a technology reporter. It will be available on bookstore shelves beginning in March of this year. In order to draw more attention to the business book, its publisher, Crimson, partnered with Aurasma in order to add the augmented reality feature right to its cover.

Smartphone and tablet users with the Aurasma augmented reality app can view the added feature.

Smartphone and tablet owners who have downloaded and installed that app need only open it and point the camera from the device at the cover of the book. This will automatically launch the augmented reality element of the jacket, which consists of a video. The video features the book’s author and provides an introduction to what the book contains and the type of contents that the reader can expect.

When the video is launched, the AR technology makes it appear as though the author is climbing out of the cover from behind the existing elements of the book jacket. In fact, it even appears as though she bumps the graphic lettering from the title aside as she extracts herself from behind it and steps out for her introduction to her text.

Russell explained that I’ve been reporting on this kind of development for a few years and it’s very exciting to now become part of an augmented reality experience myself.” The author also added that “It’s like having a video teaser embedded into the cover of a physical book and I’m thrilled to have such a skilled producer as Aurasma working on this with me.”

A growing number of publishers are discovering the appeal of augmented reality and are working the technology not only onto their covers, but in among the pages, as well.

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