BlackBerry embraces augmented reality to take over the world
BlackBerry 10 launched earlier this month to much acclaim and critical reception. The latest mobile device from BlackBerry, formerly known as Research In Motion, boasts of various features that are sure to get mobile technology enthusiasts excited, including a stronger focus on mobile games than its predecessors. Because the BlackBerry 10 is so new, its creator is eager to make it available to as many people as possible, and has turned to augmented reality to accomplish this task.
Blippar app gives Android and iOS users a chance to experience BlackBerry 10
BlackBerry has teamed with augmented reality specialist Blippar to make a new application that will give Android and iOS users a chance to experience the BlackBerry 10 operating system. The initiative is part of the BlackBerry Take Over campaign, which aims to spread the experience of the BlackBerry 10 as aggressively as possible. Using the Blippar application, smart phone owners will be able to see what the BlackBerry 10 has to offer, without actually having to own a BlackBerry 10.
Ambitious campaign may help expand reach of BlackBerry
The features presented through the augmented reality application are, of course, limited. They are designed to offer a glimpse at what users can experience through the BlackBerry 10 platform, perhaps encouraging them to embrace the BlackBerry 10 in the future. The new operating system from BlackBerry has received relatively positive praise and long-time BlackBerry users claim that it is a major step forward for their favored mobile devices.
New augmented reality initiative shows off capabilities of BlackBerry 10
BlackBerry has invested heavily into the development of the new operating system. The system is meant to have a lifecycle of more than a decade, which gives it the most longevity of any operating system currently on the market. The release of BlackBerry 10 was constantly delayed throughout 2012 due to BlackBerry’s efforts to make it more accommodating of mobile games. The company held several development events with Android game makers in order to ensure that the new operating system has a stronger appeal to those that love mobile games.