Augmented reality game from Google to leave beta soon

augmented reality ingress mobile game

Ingress has already become very popular and it will experience its official launch on December 14.

The augmented reality game called Ingress, from Niantic Labs at Google has been available to mobile gamers in the beta form for just over a year, during which time it has become quite popular.

Last Friday, the game eliminated its requirement for invitations in order to add players.

Now, Niantic has revealed that this augmented reality game will lose its beta status and move on as a full scale experience on December 14, 2013. This means that in just over one month from now, anyone will be able to take part in this turf war game and join one of the two sides to try to stake out their locations and battle for “portals” around the world.

augmented reality ingress mobile gameTo take part in this augmented reality experience, they will need only to download the app from Google Play.

This is considered to be very good news not only for the new players of the Ingress augmented reality games, but also for those who have been playing for a while. Their dedication as “Ingress agents” will now allow them to earn the Founder Medal badge if they are capable of reaching level 5 within the game by the time the beta period comes to a close.

Finally, Niantic also revealed that it will be expanding this augmented reality experience. It will be doing this by opening up the Ingress Elite challenge for all of its players. It has only just started and will be running until December 14, when the game stops being a beta. Players who have the best performance stats on the game and who file “a creative social media submission” will have the chance to win a free trip to California in February. This will provide them with the unique opportunity of working with Niantic Labs to help to further develop the Ingress story, which is always evolving.

This augmented reality opportunity could be the dream chance for beta players who have been highly involved in the overall experience and who have been actively keeping up with the various intricacies of the game.

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