Augmented reality app seeks to make drivers safer

iOnRoad App

iOnRoad App

Augmented reality is getting a lot of attention for its uses in gaming. So much so that the technology’s practical uses are often overlooked. Today, AR has advanced enough to be useful in daily activities, keeping true to its name by enhancing the physical world. Picitup, a technology company based in Israel, has launched a new AR product called iOnRoad. The program seeks to apply AR technology in a practical way that will help make people become safer drivers. 

iOnRoad is a mobile application available for Android smart phones. Picitup first unveiled their product at the Israel Mobile Summit back in May. The company won the first place spot in the Summit’s Startup Contest, beating out 23 competitors each with formidable technology pedigrees. 

Being that iOnRoad is a smart phone app, it seems counterintuitive that it would help people drive more safely. Many reports indicate that cell phones contribute to distracted driving and accidents. This is, however, a problem that the iOnRoad hopes to remedy. By mounting the smart phone on the dashboard, akin to how some GPS systems are mounted, the application makes use of the phone’s camera, locating vehicles and overlaying an intricate heads-up-display over the environment. The display lists information, such as following distance and speed, in real-time. When a problem occurs, the system issues both a visual and audio warning. 

The application is scheduled for a mid-July launch. Picitup is currently developing versions for iPhone and BlackBerry, which it hopes will be available by the end of the summer.

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