Snapchat is a social networking app that allows people to send each other pictures, videos and text messages that disappear after a few seconds. The app is designed to destroy all images, videos and other content that has been received after 10 minutes. This means that neither the sender nor the receiver can store the content permanently. Although Snapchat allows people to communicate discreetly, it comes with a number of risks. If you are not careful, someone might hack into your account. Besides that, your images and videos can be tapped into by the wrong people, which might into a tainted reputation on the internet. You can avoid such problems by using the tips outlined below for keeping tabs on Snapchat.
- Only Connect with People You Know
Adding people at random into your friends list increases chances of connecting with evil minded Snapchat users. Sometimes the app will give you the option of adding people that are already in the list of your friends. You should never add such users unless you know them personally. Remember, there are very few people that can be trusted on the internet. You should also configure your account to decline Snapchat messages that are sent by users that are not included in your friends list. Activating this option prevents other users from seeing the messages that you share on the app.
- Block People that you have Detached from
If you recently ended a relationship with your significant other, it’s important you block them as soon as possible. You should also block people that you have gotten into fights with such as colleagues or relatives. Such people are more likely to use the platform to get back at you by disclosing dark secrets about you.
- Avoid Sending Explicit Snaps
Although the messages that are sent and received on Snapchat are self destructing, there are programs that have been developed purposely for capturing the images and videos that are shared on the platform before they are destroyed. This means that some people can store your messages permanently and share them on social networks. The surest way of ensuring that the videos and pictures that you share with friends are not used in future to blackmail you is by avoiding sending snaps that are explicit in nature such as nudes and classified information.
- Never Reveal Your Location
When setting up a Snapchat account, you should avoid specifying your location in your profile. This is because there are cyber criminals that hunt for targets by narrowing down their search to a specific location. When you hide your location, the users in your neighborhood will not be able to get in touch with you. This is due to the fact that you will not appear in their search results.
- Create Strong Password
By the rule of thumb, your Snapchat should have a strong password that protects it against unauthorized access of your account. You should actually avoid using a weak password. A password that has your name and date of birth can be easily guessed. An ideal password is one that contains upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. The password should also have a second stage authentication that requests a user to enter the code that has been sent to their cell phone.